How to Help Disabled Seniors Get Around
Posted by Tom Lee on
If you are searching for how to help a disabled senior get around you likely have a loved one which is facing a medical ailment that has them considered disabled. While this may seem like shocking news, the advances in technology now allow disabled seniors to live a relatively normal life. There are multiple options to help disabled seniors get around and in this blog post, we will take a look at all of the different options. There is no simple product that meets the needs of everyone, so we will take a look at what is appealing for each option.
Depending on your loved ones health would likely determine which mobility option would be best suited for their needs. At Mobility Scooters Direct, our goal is simple. Help give unbiased information that can help you make a decision as to how you can help a disabled senior get around as easily as possible.
Options to Help a Disabled Senior Get Around
Below we will briefly look at each option to help a disabled senior get around. There are many different options you can choose from and the right type will be dependent on their individual situation.
Tip: Compare pricing online vs local stores. Many online stores such as Mobility Scooters Direct do not have the overhead associated with a store which means those savings are passed to our customers!
Cane – One of the oldest mobility assistance inventions around, the cane is fantastic if it will be used for short trips only. Longer distance walks, extended shopping, and other heavy walking activities are not best suited for a cane. Usually, most disabled seniors will utilize a cane while in the comfort of their homes to help them get around. The benefit of a cane is that it is very low profile and can be used in very tight spaces such as a small apartment or condominium.
Rollator – Rollators and walkers are very common and considered a step up from a cane. They can be used for greater distances when compared to a cane. Many of them also have a seat so if your loved one gets tired they are able to take a seat on the rollator. This is a huge advantage because if they are at a place that does not have seating, it will allow them to rest when they need it the most. The benefit of rollators is that they are less costly than powered mobility devices.

Luggie Standard 4-Wheel Mobility Scooter. (Credit: Mobility Scooters Direct)
Mobility Scooter – Mobility scooters come in many different shapes and sizes. If you want to surprise a loved with a mobility scooter there are many things you must consider prior to ordering one. First, what are the requirements? Factors that are important include travel range, weight capacity, size of the scooter, ground clearance, incline rating, and more. For instance, if someone will primarily be using the mobility scooter indoors then a folding mobility scooter or travel mobility scooter might be a fantastic option. This is because they will have a tighter turning radius. 3 wheel mobility scooters will typically have tighter turning radiuses when compared to their 4 wheel mobility scooter counterparts. However, the 4-wheel mobility scooters will have better overall stability. So of course, there are pros and cons to each type of mobility scooter as well as how many wheels it has. Most online stores have a restocking fee.
Power Wheelchair – Power wheelchairs also come in many different

Golden Compass Sport Electric Wheelchair. (Credit: Mobility Scooters Direct.
shapes and sizes. Something additional to consider is that some power wheelchairs will even have an elevating seat. This is very helpful if your loved one will usually be in the power wheelchair and would like the option to be lifted. It is advantageous to the user also to raise the power wheelchair when in conversation so they are near eye to eye with someone they are talking to rather than someone looking down upon them. Other than that, the same options are available such as travel power wheelchairs which are typically lower profile in nature and there are even folding power wheelchairs too. If your loved one is an outdoorsy type who loves being outdoors and they will encounter different forms of terrain than a heavy-duty power wheelchair would likely be the best-suited option.
As you can see there are hundreds of potential options available to you to help a loved one get their independence back or stay independent. The right option will require a sitdown with them to identify what is important, what is not important, along with must-haves. After this dream list is made, you can then begin the search for the perfect product. Our goal was to design the website so you can easily utilize filters to only include the products that meet very specific criteria.
Ensuring You Get the Best Prices Whether Online or In-Store
After you have identified what product will be best suited for your loved one now it is time to try and get the absolute best deal possible. Unfortunately, many insurance companies will just allow the bare minimum so feature-rich products are usually off the table. However, the good news is that companies like Mobility Scooters Direct offer everyday MAP prices. That stands for the minimum advertised price which is the bare minimum the products can be displayed at. Nearly every product listed on our website is listed at that price.
It doesn’t stop there. Our goal is to help as many seniors stay independent as possible so we often release special coupon codes for veterans day, memorial day, and more. Don’t be shy! Call and ask if there are any current promotions for the product you are interested in. Did you know when you buy from Mobility Scooters Direct, you will not pay for shipping or taxes? These benefits also help you save huge when shopping to help a disabled senior to get around.
Give us a call and speak with US-based mobility consultants who have years and years of experience. Not only do we offer rock bottom pricing but we back that up with near-perfect 5-star reviews. Our team treats nearly every customer as if they were family. Give us a call to see how we help disabled seniors get around and see what is so special about Mobility Scooters Direct today.
Hello, I was wondering if you could help me with some questions on mobility scooters. Looking to purchase one for my husband who is disabled. Unfortunately, he was in a car accident last year. I was looking at this model – Wanted to see if you had an opinion on it. It is very pricey so I want to make sure I’m making the right purchase. I’ve called around to a few different dealers but they are obviously looking to push their product. Could use a non-bias opinion.