Electric Scooter Types | Hover boards, Electric Scooter for Kids, Adults, with/without Seat
Posted by Tom Lee on
Here is the article regarding Types of Electric Scooter. An electric scooter runs with electric power. Unlike all the other scooters that run with oil or gas, this electric scooter does not require any fuel for functioning.

Different Types of Electric Scooters image
Electric scooters are made up of battery that is linked to the motor together. The battery gets charged by plugging to an electrical power source. Once the battery gets fully charged, it is used to produce motion power to run the scooter forward. The rider can use switches to control the brakes and speed which are provided on the handle of a vehicle. These electric scooters are designed in simple and get the battery charged with the electric power whereas gas scooters are designed in a complicated way and also needs fuel for their functioning. Have no idea which one to choose, here is different types of electric scooters guide to pick best one for you.
Different Types of Electric Scooter
There are three different types of e scooter:
- Electric Kick Scooter
- Self-balancing Electric Scooter
- Electric Moped
1. Electric Kick Scooters
Generally, there are 2 wheels, handlebars and standing deck which can be foldable and is very simple. Maybe you can sit if there is some problem with standing. It can easily be learned by everyone without any time consumption.
Types based on a number of wheels present:
- Two-wheeled electric kick scooter
- Three-wheeled electric kick scooter
Three-wheeled types have some extra stability with one extra wheel in the corner. But however, a two-wheeled electric scooter is much better in traffic and some pedestrian zone to break through the crowd.
Advantages of two-wheeled electric kick scooter:
- It is lighter
- More compact
- Easy even in traffic and crowd
Advantages and disadvantages of three-wheeled electric kick scooter:
- Stands itself
- Safe cornering
- No extra balance is required
- It’s wider bad in crowd and traffic
- It’s bigger in size when folded
- Slightly heavier
Electric kick scooters have a lot of advantages. You don’t need to worry about parking a lot and even theft also. They can be just folded and kept under the table when not in use and can easily go in the traffic and through the crowd. Electric kick scooters are not good for doing the tricks because you will be falling a lot and which shows the impact on the motor and the batteries. Scooter can resist bad road and bumpy road, but these strong impacts are not so good for electric components.
Some types of electric kick scooters are:
- Electric scooter for kids
- Three-wheeled electric kick scooter for kids
- Electric scooters for adults
- Foldable electric kick scooter
- Off-road electric kick scooter
- Fat tire electric kick scooter
Electric scooter for kids has a number of choices. The main difference for an electric scooter for kids and an electric scooter for adults are in size and weight limit. All the selection is based on running time and speed.
Three-wheeled electric kick scooter for kids
This type of electric scooter for kids is great. This electric scooter provides extra support for kids who have less experience and protects from the situations that they are not able to predict until they learn perfectly. These have extra stability in the corners and also help in balancing when a child tries to change the direction. There are two choices that are two wheels on the front side and one wheel on the back portion, two wheels on the backside and one wheel in the front side.
Different Types of Scooters for Adults
These electric scooters for adults all depend on the weight limit. This is available in slightly bigger and stronger than an electric scooter for kids.
Foldable electric scooters
They are good for the business people who travel every day to the office. This type of electric scooter is also powerful and fast. People use an electric scooter to kill the traffic by riding easily and easy to maintain also. The big advantage of a foldable electric scooter is that they can be placed under the table and easy to carry and also requires less space for storage when not in use.
These scooters have 1-second fold option where it is crazy quick that just kick and fold it. 2, 3-second fold options are also quick but it requires a slightly longer time for folding.
Off-road electric kick scooters
This will be the great choice for those who are bored on the roads and want some enjoy and fun in the extreme trails and in the woods. This type of electric scooters consists of bigger tires, powerful motor, more durable battery, serious suspension, protective construction for motors and batteries.
Fat tires electric kick scooters
This is just a scooter with much wider tires. It gives huge comfort and comes with the seat. It resembles just like a chopper motorcycle. Tires of this type of scooter are wide as car tires.
Electric scooter with the seat is a great feature which provides comfort and spending more time with the scooter is easy. There are some scenarios for an electric scooter with seat, those are
- Scooter which comes with the inbuilt seat.
- Scooters don’t come with the seat but have an option to fix a seat in future when needed.
- Scooters do not have seat completely nor have an option for installation in the future.
2. Self-balancing Electric Scooter
Let’s see another one in these Types of Electric Scooter. Self -balancing scooters need some time for learning and practicing. Initially, you have to struggle for balancing but which is something you can be able to learn quickly no matter how tough it is in the beginning. These are of three types.
- Hoverboards
- Unicycles
- Self-balancing personal transporters
Self-balancing electric scooters are generally known as hoverboards are personalized transport. It consists of two motor wheels which are connected to a pair of pads on which the rides stands by placing the feet. The rider is able to control the speed by leaning backward or forward and by twisting the pads rider can change the direction. Hoverboards are invented in the year 2013. Shane Chan 59-year-old invented the hoverboard. There are many characteristics of a hover board to be considered before purchasing a hover board. Below are some of the characteristics to know about the hover board.

Hoverboards image
Characteristics of Hoverboards
- Size: It all depends on the size of the hoverboard; you do not need a hoverboard that is too wide or narrow. The best hoverboard is that on you are able to stand in a natural position and find more comfortable to ride.
- Weight: Hoverboard may vary in weight depending on the battery type and the material used in them. It is good to get the hoverboard with lightweight. It is important to notice before buying a hoverboard is that it should be easy to ride and carry.
- Speed: Usually the speed of the hoverboard is around the 5-10 MPH. it is the important factor to consider before buying the hover board. The faster hoverboard gives more excitement and fun.
- Climbing angle: The climbing angle of a hoverboard generally measures in degrees. You should know about the steepness of the hover board to climb easily in order to avoid difficulty while riding.
- Cornering: Cornering is measured in angles along with the climbing angle. This tells about how one can turn the hoverboard. When the corner is tighter then it is better to take turns easily while riding.
- Battery life: It is important to know how long a battery can last when it is completely charged. Hoverboard should be best with the battery life so that riders don’t find difficulty for charge points to get charged.
- Max rider weight: Try to know the maximum weight of a rider that the hoverboard can hold. The durability of the particular hoverboard depends on the capacity it is holding. Some of the hover boards have cheaper parts which get break easily with more pressure.
- Price: Generally, the price of the hoverboard is not so expensive. It is better to know the price in all the online stores because it may vary from one store to another store. Price of hover boards usually ranges from $100 to $1000.
Unicycle consists of one and only one wheel. It takes some time to learn. This is a good choice for the people who want to be very fast in the crowded public. It can also be used for jumping on some curbs and even for one step higher which are not possible with a hoverboard. The main advantage of this self- balancing electric is that it has only one wheel and its compactness. It also has speakers and lights where the speakers can also be moved while riding. It just weighs 30 pounds can be easily carried in the markets and office too. Also, it consists of the handle when folded it can be carried like a bag.
Self -balancing personal transporters
This type of scooters is controlled by knee which is more effective. This can be learned very easily in a few minutes. These personal transporters are generally powered with Ninebot technology.
3. Electric Mopeds
Electric mopeds are powered by an electric motor. This is one of the important scooters among all Types of Electric Scooter. There are batteries and even there is no noise produced while riding. Mopeds are very comfortable because it has a seat which can easily accommodate two persons. It consists of bigger tires.
Electric mopeds are comfortable and safer because of the following features.
- Great extended seat
- Bigger tires and wheels
- Indicators
- Rear view mirrors
- Position
- Trunk
- Absorbers
Mopeds also have stronger motors with higher top speed. Types of electric mopeds are:
- Mopeds for kids
- Mopeds for adults (ranges up to 1000 watts)
- Extreme powerful mopeds
To know more on all types of electric scooters, keep visiting this Electric Scooter portal. Hope you find this motorized scooter for adults, Kids guide helpful to pick one for you.