Seven Things To Know About Buying a Plug-In Car
Posted by Tom Lee on

1 Shop Around
For all the differences between gas and electric cars, there is one key similarity. You still need to go through a salesperson at a car dealership. And dealerships are in competition with one another for your business. Once you decide on a specific model, speak to several dealerships in your area to see which one has the best deal. This small step can save you thousands of dollars. (Tesla is the exception to this rule. The innovative company operates its own retail stores.)
2 Consider the Incentives
There are three basic kinds of incentives for purchasing a plug-in vehicle: tax credits, rebates, and perks. Uncles Sam offers a tax credit of between $2,500 and $7,500, depending on the vehicle. Take note: This credit is applied against future tax liability so the full amount of the tax incentive might not be fully realized. On the other hand, rebates, like the $2,500 offered in California, comes in the form of a check in the mail. The range of other perks includes access for solo drivers in carpool lanes and preferred or free parking.
3 Have Faith in the Battery
One of the biggest myths about electric cars is that, in a few years, you will be slapped with a whopping bill to replace the car’s battery when it craps out. That is extremely unlikely. Yes, there will be some loss of range over many years—perhaps a bit faster in locations with scorching hot weather. Regardless, these plug-in cars have substantial battery warranties, usually in the realm of 8 years and 100,000 miles (some even longer), that cover all battery problems, including excessive loss of range. Rest easy. The batteries will last the lifetime of the vehicle.
4 Install a Home Charger
Numerous studies show that electric cars have a lower total cost of ownership than gas-powered vehicles. But don’t forget to include the installation of a home EV charger in your calculation—commonly around $500 including installation. The off-board charger, officially known as an E.V.S.E. or electric vehicle supply equipment, supplies 240 volts of juice—significantly cutting down charging time at home. You’re going to want one. See our buying guide for details.
5 Don’t Obsess About MPGe Window Labels
A few years ago, a window sticker with 100 m.p.g. or more was unimaginable. Now, the entire segment of plug-in cars is offering efficiency at the three-figure level. Automakers frequently market their efficiency numbers, especially when they are higher than the competition. But truth be told, all electric cars have very similar levels of efficiency. Lighter EVs driven carefully will get about four miles per kilowatt-hour. Heavier EVs driven with gusto will get about three miles per kilowatt-hour. Most of us settle somewhere in between. Here’s all you need to know: All EVs are much more efficient than gas cars.
6 Don’t Have Anxiety about Range Anxiety
As every new electric car driver discovers, the typical EV offering 100 to 125 miles of driving range is enough to satisfy 90 percent or more of common trips. The new wave of electric cars with 200-plus miles of range means you might only need to charge a few days in the week. Road trips take a little planning to know when and where you will charge. You have to be crazy or masochistic to pay no attention to your range—and drive until the battery pack passes E. But range anxiety happens only once in a blue moon when a daring driver goes off course on an impromptu trip. These unlikely occurrences are becoming even rarer with 200-plus-mile electric cars and the growth of public EV-charging infrastructure.
7 Connect with the Vibrant Community of EV Drivers
Thanks to the internet, connecting to fellow EV shoppers and drivers is only a click away. And believe it or not, many high-tech early adopters of electric cars engage in an anachronistic activity know as “getting together in person.” There are vibrant regional groups for owners of specific models. The calendar also includes National Drive Electric Week, Earth Day, and other electric rallies, conferences and parties. Plan to join Plug In America or the Electric Auto Association.