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Electric Scooters

What Makes a ‘Good’ Electric Scooter? A Buyer’s Guide

Posted by Tom Lee on

Electric Scooters are ideal for people needing get about with a minimal amount hassle or cost that’s associated with public transport & driving. For around $750, the price is practically within the reach of just about everyone; it’s also one of the easiest personal electric vehicles to operate, giving them an universal appeal. Comfort: an Electric Scooter without either suspension or air tires will be practically unrideable on normal pavements & nearly anywhere else. Every small bump in the road is transmitted up through the handle-bar& the standing platform. You also want to have a scooter with minimal play/give in the vertical handle-bar; a good eScooter will feel firm, predictable &...

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Mobility Scooters and Electric Wheelchairs: A Contrast

Posted by Tom Lee on

Several mobility aids are widely available for physically handicapped individuals. These may vary from conventional canes and walkers to much sophisticated electric powered wheelchairs and mobility scooters. The latter two can bring greater freedom and independence to disabled persons. Hence, this article will be comparing the mentioned mobility aids to help those concerned individuals to decide which of the two they will purchase for themselves, or for their loved ones who need it.

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Kinds of Scooters-- Know The Significance Of Electric Scooters

Posted by Tom Lee on

The various types of scooters, hitherto, available in the market are widely accepted mode of transportation that offers smooth and effortless riding to both kids and adults. The scooters are one of the biggest means of transportation that usually move with super acceleration coupled with the capacities of reaching speeds of 20-25 mph and traveling distances up to 25 miles on a single charge. 

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Electric Scooters: The Alternative Transport

Posted by Tom Lee on

Years have passed and the glory of having your own car has long worn away. Your sitting solidly in the middle of the middle class and the high price of gas is starting to wear away at your budget. As you drive from the grocery store to the bank and then across the road to the hardware store, you notice a little old lady pulling out of the beauty shop, a brightly colored scarf protecting her newly curled hair as she putts along on her little eclectic scooter.

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Electric Scooters: Love In The Beginning Spin

Posted by Tom Lee on

Gasoline prices skyrocketing? No need to worry – with a motor or electric scooter one gallon of gas will last for weeks.

As people start driving electric scooters, they find more and more reasons to like them. They're practical, easy to park and get great gas mileage. With gasoline price raising day by day, the popularity of playful, fuel-efficient electric scooters has soared. According to industry experts, last years sales have doubled compared to a year ago, and only in 2005 more than 300,000 electric scooters were sold.

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